One Night in Jabal Shams

Two Days Tour Planning in In Jabal Shams

Nizwa - Misfaht Abreen - Jebel Shams (The Grand Canyon of Oman)

In the morning we head from Muscat to Nizwa, the former capital of Oman. Our first stop once we arrive will be the Nizwa Souq. You can find a plethora of vendors here offering vegetables, pottery, jewellery, handicrafts, Halwa, dates, spices and souvenirs in traditional market halls. An especially memorable part is the Friday cattle market where locals from nearby villages come to sell their goats, cattle, sheep and chickens in an outdoor setting reminiscent of a circus.

Nizwa Fortress stands alongside the Souq, now serving as a museum. Here, guests can walk around, admiring the architectural achievement of the Yaruba dynasty and majestic views of the town and surrounding mountains. The fortress was constructed with an impressive array of defence systems to guard against potential attack in mid-17th century. Traps were scattered along corridors to hinder any intruders that could make it past its defences.

From Nizwa we take you to Misfat Al Abreyeen village, which is situated at the foot of Jebel Shams, just a few kilometers from Al Hamra Town. The village has old houses and narrow streets and a Falaj system that supplies water to orchards, date palms, and vegetable gardens. Walking around the village is worthwhile.

Our next stop is Jebel Shams (Sun Mountain) (the Grand Canyon of Oman), 3009 meters high, one of the most adventurous mountains in Oman. It offers existing off-road experience and fantastic views. Once you reach the canyon view that is 2000 meters high, take a photo and continue to the resort.

Jebel Shams Trekking- Jabreen Castle – Muscat

The Canyon edge offers spectacular views into several wadis and stunning valleys below, and we hike the W6 path (BALCONY WALK) for four or five hours in the morning. (Hiking is optional).
We then hit the road to Jabrin Castle, a presidential palace first constructed in 1670 by the Balarab bin Sultan bin Saif Al Ya’arubi Dynasty. A major restoration was implemented in 1984, outfitting the interior with furniture and utensils from the era, plus intricate wood carvings, ceiling paintings and stucco work. Following our tour of the castle, we head our way back to Muscat.

Four Days Tour Included & Excluding

Muscat Travelers Can Be Picked Up Anywhere:
  • Harbor of Muscat (Far Shore Excursions Passengers)
  • Muscat International Airport
  • Residence
  • Hotels
  • If you would like to book a group of more than 5 people please contact us
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